Sunday, September 14, 2008

Packet One Bibliography

BERGER, MICHAEL. About The Artist: Alice Neel Biography. 2008.

This was a short article regarding Neel’s struggles with failed marriages, domestic violence and raising her children as a single mother. One can track Neel’s life experiences through her work which became calmer and more confident with age, whereas her earlier work exhibited strife and turbulence.

FARR, et al. Francis Bacon – A Retrospective. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1999.

This book recounts the traumatic upbringing that presumably fed Bacon’s unusual and pioneering aesthetic. It explains Bacon’s need for extreme privacy and his strict adherence to his self-imposed rule to never discussing his work.

GRAVES, PIRKKO LAUSLAHTI. Life Event and Art. The International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 11:355-365, 1984.

This article recounts a woman’s journey from victim to survivor through a combination of talk therapy and creative writing. Through her writing, the woman is able to develop a sequential narrative, receive feedback from an audience and empower herself by becoming the narrator instead of victim.

HERMAN, JUDITH. Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror. Basic Books, 1997.

This book enumerates some of the major causes of trauma, as well as how that trauma manifests itself in negative ways psychologically. Herman also describes the methods through which one may triumph over tragedy.

HOWARTH, MAGGIE. The Complete Pebble Stone Mosaic Handbook. Firefly Books, 2003.

This books describes the history of pebblestone mosaics, as well as a variety of methods used in the creation of psm.

“Interview with Emmanual Jal”. Fresh Air with Terry Gross. 2008.

This interview was with Emmanual Jal, a former Sudanese child soldier. Jal has been making hip-hop music about his experiences fighting in Ethiopia. Jal was eventually rescued by a foreign aide worker, but only after fighting for five years. He has a new book coming out, as well as a documentary later this year.

LIPPARD, LUCY. Eva Hesse. Da Capo Press, 1992.

This is a biography of Eva Hesse’s short life. It recounts her rise to star status as one of the first women recognized as an artist during the Abstract Expressionist period. Lippard remembers Hesse’s struggles to overcome trauma, self-doubt as well as what was expected of her as an artist.

LUNA, JAMES. The Art of James Luna. 2008

Native American performance artist, James Luna, works and lives in SanDiego, CA. His work speaks to the intersection of Native and European culture in modern society through performance, sculpture (artifacts) and video.

STEAVENSON, WENDELL. “Dispatches from Iraq: Baghdad Graffiti”. Slate magazine, 2004.

This article documents an Iraqi professor’s foray into the messages delivered via graffiti that have sprung up in hundreds of places throughout the city of Baghdad. Mostly word messages void of imagery, the graffiti spells out the divisions between ethnic tribal groups, US soldiers and militants. There is one wall that features images from Abu Ghraib.

“The Individual: Therapy and Theory – Sigmund Freud: Conflict and Culture”. 2007.

This article discussed in further detail the psycho-analysis of Dora by Freud. There are pictures documenting hysterical fits that Charcot’s patients exhibited. The article describes the battle of wits that occurred between Freud and Dora.

The Painter’s Keys. “Suffering Art Quotes”. Gaye, Marvin.

The title says it all.

WALKER, JAY MICHAEL. All the Saints of the City of Angels. Heyday Books, 2008.

This book follows Walker’s paintings featuring the “real saints” of Los Angeles. The book is a product of Walker’s major exhibition of saint portraits that just concluded in Los Angeles. The book also demonstrates a multitude of examples of prayer cards provided by gallery visitors.

YouTube. “San Francisco Power Wash Muralist”.

This is the link that I posted regarding the powerwash muralist. Curtis makes art by cleaning surfaces, a method he developed by accidentally spraying a wall while working as a dish washer. The imagery in this particular mural depicts plants that would have been where the host site is located over a century ago.

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